Club Features: Laguna Food Pantry, Strength in Numbers

Chloe Falk, Reporter

Laguna Food Pantry

President: Caroline Barlett

  • Our short term goal is to Encourage people to get involved in the Laguna Food Pantry motto and goals. The pantry believes that no one should go hungry. Our goal as a club is to have food drives for foods and goods that the pantry can not usually supply, such as baking ingredients and supplies that the families who go to the pantry for groceries can access.
  • I came up with the Laguna Food Pantry club as I have volunteered every Sunday at the pantry for over a year. I was talking to the volunteer coordinator, and she said if I was in the situation of the families that get their groceries from the pantry, what type of goods would I want to receive? I decided non-perishable foods such as flour, oil, baking soda, sugar, etc. would be great so they can bake. I wanted my classmates to experience the feeling of knowing that you are helping someone with something as simple and important as having food on their plate.

Strength in Numbers

President: Hayden Rohrer

  • The Strength in Numbers club wants to encourage students to resist peer pressure and remember that perfection is an illusion.
  • By participating in club meetings/events/activities and presenting to middle school students, club members can also get some volunteer hours for attending our annual conference on Oct. 8th.
  • Club meetings are generally on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays in Room 54. Our annual club conference is on Oct. 8th, 11am-3:30pm.

If you would like your LBHS club to be featured, please email [email protected] for more information!