Student Feature: Explore EMT Class

Elaina Seybold

Although current times may keep students isolated, there are still many ways for them to explore new things and prepare for their future. One way is to take the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) course, which prepares students for a variety of careers such as nursing and emergency response. Students are able to have fun while gaining meaningful experiences that will help them in their careers. While the main motivation for participating in this class should be actual interest in the subject, this class also looks great on college applications. Students can sign up through Aeries during online course selections this February-March.

“The average class is anything but average!” said course instructor Eric Johnson. “Depending on where we are in the class, we will use lecture, hands-on skills and scenario-based training. I also have a large group of skills instructors that work in various roles as EMTs and paramedics, firefighters and law enforcement as well as other healthcare professionals spanning from doctors and nurses and beyond. I also host various guest speakers to ensure my students have additional opportunities to hear from different perspectives within the industry.” 

A benefit of taking this course is that it prepares students to take the state EMT licensure exam. The certificate one gets after passing the test is useful in many careers.

“The test is extremely difficult, but we spend the entire year preparing to take the test while mastering the concepts crucial to success as a functional EMT,” said Johnson. “I also utilize several guest speakers to help students prepare to take the exam, as well as administrators from different agencies to ensure success in obtaining a job after graduation. The EMT certification can be used in many career pathways, even those outside Public Safety and Medical Careers. The EMT certificate is seen as more than a professional achievement by most industries; it is a testament to hard work, dedication and professionalism.”

Currently, Jonathan Delgado, a senior, is the only LBHS student in the course. He worked hard to adapt to this difficult class, but his excitement to pursue a career in the medical field motivates him.

“I think what makes me the most excited to start my career pathway to become a paramedic is being able to help people,” said Delgado. “I’m going to certify myself as an EMT, and with enough experience, I can enroll in a paramedic school.”

The dedication he has put into the class has been recognized by all who know him, including his peers, family, and teacher, Mr. Johnson.

“Jonathan has impressed me by his dedication to my class, even though he is stuck at home,” said Johnson. “He shows up to class with a smile, a good attitude and usually a rad light show in the background of his Zoom window (LED lightshow!!). If you have ever met him, you already know the signature smile that defines his entire personality! I am lucky to have students like Jonathan in my EMT course, and I am excited to send him and the rest of his classmates off into the workforce in 2021 as newly-minted EMT’s!”

If interested, contact your counselor for help applying.

Nichole Rosa (Last Name A-Gk) Eric Banducci (Last Name Gi-O) Angela Pilon (Last Name P-Z)