
May 2018

Zoe Bowman, Creative Director

Sex. It’s something that is on almost every teenager’s and young adult’s mind. It’s not a thing we should shy away from in shame and embarrassment, but instead, something we should be able to discuss openly. There needs to be shared knowledge and common understandings regarding how to be safe during sex, physically and emotionally. It’s important to always use protection to avoid unplanned pregnancies and the many transmissible STDs.
Additionally, it is just as important to remain safe emotionally in a society and generation that promotes hookup culture. Before anyone ever decides to start a sexual relationship, there should always be mutual grounds of respect made possible through knowing and trusting your partner.
Sex is a thing for two people to connect with one another on an intimate level. If there isn’t respect between two people, then what could be a beautiful and intimate experience can turn ugly and harmful for both parties involved. At the end of the day, if you don’t love yourself, how are you gonna love someone else? No matter what gender, sexuality, age or race, all people should have a respect for their partner and most importantly, themselves. The media displays sex as a casual act so it’s easy to undermine how big of a deal it ultimately is. If you do decide that you’re ready to have sex, be sure that you’re being just as vigilant with your physical safety as your emotional safety.