The Winter dance concert “Balance”


Haley Conley, Entertainment Editor

Charlie Hutson is a senior and she has been apart of the dance department for four years and “Balance” will be her seventh high school dance show that she has participated in.  

“This particular dance show is very student driven. Every dancer has something to contribute to the production of the show.”

“We have a lot of student-choreographed pieces. Everyone has worked so hard to put this production together.”

“I am absolutely passionate about dance. I have loved it since I was a child, and now I am so grateful to be able to dance with such loving friends and talented teachers. The dance show here has always been one of my favorite parts about being in the dance program. Mrs. Carrizosa is by far the best teacher and is a wonderful role model. She has patience but at the same time pushes us to be the best we can possibly be. Her optimism is contagious, and it is clear she cares dearly for her students.”

“While the dance shows are fun, they also come with a lot of stress. It takes a lot of work, but once we come together, everything works out in the end. Working so close with one another brings us together as a department. The word ‘Balance’ can be interpreted in a multitude of ways. It pertains to both dance and life. We want everyone to interpret the title in a way that is meaningful to them. It is open to interpretation.”

Jamie Langner

“This will be my fourth year in dance. I started in Dance 3 and have been in company for the rest, but I have been dancing since I was two!”

“The dance ‘The Cave’ was particularly one of my favorites do to the fact that it was a combination of effort between the dancers. If one wasn’t there, we wouldn’t have been able to perform. We relied on each other, and I think that is really what made it special.”

“Some dances where more similar than others, but overall, the dance show was supposed to display all of the styles of dance and how we balance our abilities for the audience.”

“Working with Ms. C was a blast. She was so patient with the dancers learning how to run a show, and she is really helpful with leading us in the right direction. ‘Balance’ was completely run by students, and by the end of it, I really think that we made her proud!”

Ruby Mussen is a senior and has been doing dance for three years  at LBHS, and has been in the dance shows three times. She states

“I think what is different about this dance show is that we are all closer together. With changes from last year, the dance department is more like a family now. I love dance, and the best part is performing in the shows and getting to show all our hard work.”

“I like that Mrs.Carrizosa is honest with us about our pieces and that she has a lot of patience. I admire that day in and day out, she always gives her students her all. I think it is challenging when we have to be together and everyone is stressed out about anything and everything, but we bond over it since we are all in this together as a team.’”

Kyle Sarris is a senior who has been doing dance since sophomore year and this dance show is going to be his third dance show.

“This dance show focuses on ‘Balance,’ which represents ‘Balance’ in mind and soul throughout life.”

“I am very passionate about dance! Being in dance is altogether great because I get to talk to and hang out with people I normally would not be able to.”

“Mrs. Carrizosa is full of passion and excitement for dance that transfers to us when we work with her! This dance has more experienced dancers than a normal dance has since it is dance two, three and company.”

“Just being backstage with other dancers makes us feel like a family.”

Mrs, Carrizosa who is an LBHS dance teacher and she teaches all levels of dance as well. She states

“My favorite part about working with my students is watching them grow as problem solvers and communicators. To be productive, they have to work together! The thing that is different about this dance show is that this is the first time we have designed the winter show as a student driven production. This is the format we’ll follow from here on out in an effort to meet the dance standards and the college and career advantage standards. This show is highly collaborative and calls for professionalism and maturity. The students select jobs at the start of the semester and then complete work eportfolios on Haiku to document their work. They have to be responsible in order to be successful! The dance company selects the theme, and they chose ‘Balance’ because they wanted to highlight how far we have come since my illness last year. As a dance program, we are striving for balance and looking forward to the future.”