ASB Candidates: What to expect

Jamin Schwerner, Reporter

Recently, many LBHS students were disappointed by the long-awaited United States presidential election.

On the bright side -however miniscule- the school’s ASB elections had less of a negative impression on the student body. In fact, not one of the candidates was unfit for the job. However, there is only a certain amount of spaces allocated to ASB.

Hailing from Australia, Luca Catalano is a junior and our school’s new ASB President.

“I wanted this position because I wanted to become more involved in the school,” said Catalano.

As president, he will be able to regularly meet with the principal to discuss school issues.

“I hope to make this school more enjoyable to students,” said Catalano. “I believe the biggest issue in the school is people not feeling heard.”

Because of this concern, Catalano will devote his time as president to giving everyone a say.

While he works to improve our school, Nils Wilson and Nick Beso are going to turn our pep assemblies around. Hopefully the combined power of two of the most energetic juniors at our school will transform our pep assemblies from the eardrum shattering cacophonies that we all know and love; furthermore, more entertaining pep assemblies might encourage those using the hour to cram for the next period’s test to be more engaged.

“Nick and I want pep assemblies to be funny,” said Wilson. “Most of all, we want to bring some pep to Dugger Gym.”

He hopes to make pep assemblies something to look forward to by to bringing back some old favorites, including teacher events and short videos, as well as new ideas.

“As with any school sponsored activity, some of our ideas may be too outlandish, crass, heinous, radical, gnarly or just plain rude,” said Wilson. “Nevertheless, Nick and I are committed to building the best possible rallies we can within the parameters of what the school can stomach.”

Clearly, these boys will need to be carefully monitored. While Yvette Ross is off on maternity leave, Scott Finn, the physical education teacher and surf coach, will be taking over this responsibility.

“I think Nick and Nils will do a great job,” said Finn. “I know that their peers think very highly of them, which will provide them a platform for success.”

Finn also supports the new ASB president.

“Leading by example will be Luca’s key to success,” said Finn. “I believe our new leadership crew will do a great job,” said Finn.

Nils Wilson and Nick Beso have won the ASB pep commissioner positions.


Luca Catalano has won the ASB President position.