Sure Trumps sitting at home

January 19, 2017
January 20 was the big day. January 20 was the day that Donald Trump officially became our president. For many, that was an absolutely horrifying idea. And what do Americans like to do when they feel that they’re facing injustice? They protest, of course. In the course of this article, a few types of protests will be covered in order to demonstrate the unique ways that people showed their dissent for their POTUS.
One of the biggest events protesting Trump’s inauguration was the Women’s March. This march involved 200,000 women marching on Washington to fight for women’s rights, and it took place on January 21 (“Here Are Some of the Events Planned to Protest Donald Trump’s Inauguration”, Trump has made many comments that made women across the nation feel uncomfortable, including the infamous tape showing him bragging that he could do whatever he wanted to women because he was famous. Concerned women wanted to ensure that their rights and freedoms are represented during the Trump presidency. Trump has shown unacceptable behavior towards women, so this concern does have some legitimacy. Hopefully this march will make Trump seriously consider the needs of women, or, at the very least, make him think twice before spewing sexist comments.
Thousands of people were expected to protest on the actual day of the inauguration, but a group known as Act Now to Stop War and End Racism, or ANSWER, held a massive protest on the inauguration day (“What protests are taking place during Donald Trump’s inauguration-and where and when?”, This group hoped to raise awareness of some of the potential issues that may arise during Trump’s presidency, such as war, racism and anti-immigration sentiments. This group isn’t alone in its concerns over Trump’s presidency, so their protest likely gained considerable support.
It is difficult for most protesters to have their voices be heard. The U.S. National Park Service reserved space in the plaza where the inauguration took place to the Presidential Inauguration Committee, which only gave space to pre-screened ticket buyers (“Want to protest Trump’s inauguration? The government may not let you”, Some have protested this, saying it goes against free speech, but those who wish to speak against Trump’s presidency nonetheless faced a struggle to even have their voices heard. One must wonder what sort of a country America is becoming if the right to assembly – protected by the First Amendment – is now being blocked by the government itself.
Regardless of the myriad of feelings about Trump, the event was guaranteed to be memorable. There was everyone from civil rights groups to pot smokers protesting, and Trump had to confront the fact that a lot of Americans do not support his presidency. Will the protests make any headway, or are these protesters simply wasting their breath? America is supposed to be a land of freedom of speech. If the voices of unhappy Americans fail to have impact, the America of the future may become a very different place than people once believed it would be.
Laguna Unites Huddle | Mar 1, 2017 at 4:14 pm
Are you interest in attending a local Woman’s March Huddle?
Start: March 07, 2017• 7:00 PM
End: March 07, 2017• 9:00 PM
Laguna Beach Woman’s Club• 286 St. Ann’s, Laguna Beach, CA 92651
First, we marched! Now we “Huddle” and take additional ACTION! I’m attending a follow-up meeting on Tuesday, March 7th, called Laguna Unites Huddle.
EVERYONE IS WELCOME!! Women, Men, Young Adults – Our goal is to continue the dialogue and implement action to make positive change on important issues and policies.
– CORE STRATEGY: Get involved and use our influence to effect moving our country forward.
– PRINCIPLES WE BELIEVE: Model values of inclusion, tolerance, fairness and tackle issues on climate change, women’s rights, immigration, ACLU, education, health care, and LGBT rights.
Please bring the following:
– Laptop, pens, and postage stamps to participate in immediate action steps.
Pay it forward…. Cheers,
Laguna Unites