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Brush and Palette

The student news site of Laguna Beach High School

Brush and Palette

The unforgettable, heartwarming episode of Outer Banks; “Homecoming”


Outer Banks is the ultimate teen drama, action, and mystery show. The stars of this outstanding show are Sarah, John B, JJ, Pope, and Kiara, all part of a group called the Pogues. The Pogues are on the poor side of town.  In the heart-stopping Season 2 Episode 4: Homecoming, Pope almost gets kidnapped by a lady named Ms. Limbrey. The lady was going after a treasure unknown to the Pogues: a key that had apparently run in Pope’s family for generations. Sarah and John B get into trouble with a scuffle about stealing money and getting caught: but end up reuniting with their group as they are running away. Later, as they tell stories about all of their adventures to Pope, Kiara, and JJ, they get caught and seen alive after the whole town thought they were dead. We are left on a big cliffhanger at the end of the season. Other characters that we’ll see peppered throughout the subplots include Rafe Cameron, Barry (Rafe’s best friend,) Ward Cameron, and Rose Cameron.


This episode follows Pope, a member of the Pogues. He almost gets kidnapped by a woman named Ms. Limbrey on her property. This is because she believes he has a particular treasure that she wants. He has no clue what she is talking about, and JJ, Kiara, and he end up getting into a car chase run by Ms. Limbrey’s accomplice. Ms. Limbrey’s accomplice tries to kill them with a gun and they have to abandon their car and escape on foot. Meanwhile, John B and Sarah get into trouble with the guy they slyly stole money from after they were pressed for cash to get food. He finds them and tries to catch them. After they pick up an escape vehicle, coincidentally each group of friends are fleeing the same way. After the friends have been separated for so long, they finally run into each other and reunite happily. The others had thought John B and Sarah died in the intense storm they got caught in, but luckily they didn’t. They all share each other’s stories and adventures with each other on the joyful boat ride back home.


There is yet another underlying conflict in the midst of all the action. In the previous episode, Rafe, Sarah’s brother, shot her. She almost died but made it, and she decided that she was going to testify against her family. Ward, their father, is faced with an impossible choice: Rafe or Sarah. One of the kooks (the rich side of town, Rafe’s friend) sees John B and Sarah back on the island. This is trouble for them because he tells Rafe they are alive. The whole town thinks they’re dead or missing, and it will undoubtedly be a conundrum that they’re faced with if anyone finds out. They also have a very high chance of getting caught by the police now. The police are searching for them because Ward framed John B for shooting a police officer. In reality, Rafe shot her to protect his dad from the authorities. Taking him to jail after finding out that Ward killed John B’s father and covered up his death. At this point in the story, the intensity is extremely high and countless conflicts are amidst the town. This show will leave your jaw dropped. You’ll be so in shock that you won’t be able to put the screen down.


Right now, the pogues think things are going smoothly for them in hiding, but little do they know there are so many underlying conflicts that we as the audience get to know about. Tension is at an all-time high as we can anticipate how Rafe will handle this new information and what the pogues will do to escape their situation later in the episode.


Meanwhile, all the pogues are partying and celebrating before they have to go back home and deal with the consequences of their absences. In the midst of it all, Pope and Kiara are figuring out their relationship. At this point in the story, it feels like a one-sided relationship because Kiara is not putting enough effort into the relationship, and Pope is unsure of how she feels about him as a result of this. The show is successful in making us feel bad for Pope’s character because he is clearly in love with her but she doesn’t seem to have those same feelings for him. Then, as they are partying, Rafe and Barry appear with a surprise sneak attack and try to find them. When they show up at the bonfire, they can see no one. Rafe has a little bit of a psychotic episode when he can’t find them because they are hiding in the trees above him. He shoots the air and everything around him in frustration. As this is happening, Pope and Kiara are having a special moment on the beach, unaware of what’s happening to the rest of the group. Pope wants to proceed with caution and make sure this is what she really wants, and that it won’t ruin their friendship. She is careless, drunk, and seems like she wants it at the moment, but later her true feelings are revealed. Meanwhile, Ms. Limbrey and her accomplice are plotting to take Pope’s treasure. Then, after they wake up in the morning and take the boat ride back to the house, Kie and Pope are really awkward. Then, they discover the conflict of Rafe knowing they’re at the island from the others. Sarah suggests having a discussion with her dad and convincing him to choose them, the pogues, her, over anything. When she arrives, Ward tries to gaslight her that John B was the one who shot the cop but she knows, she saw that Rafe shot her to protect their dad from the authorities. Ward and the whole Cameron family besides Sarah have blamed it on John B, and now the whole town believes that. That was the reason they fled the island in the first place.


In this episode, Kiara really annoys me. Typically, I like her character because she is funny and smart, but she basically destroys her friendship with Pope and treats him badly here because she has no clue what she wants. All in all, she honestly led him on and that sucks for him, and it made him feel terrible about himself because he was trying to be cautious about her feelings but she just wanted to be reckless and irresponsible without thinking about how it would affect Pope.


Meanwhile, Ward says he can’t choose between his daughter and his son. Ms. Limbrey has something valuable that can prove John B innocent of everything, which is what she’ll give the pogues in exchange for the supposed key they have. Ward calls the cops on Sarah after their conversation, and they trace her back to John B’s home where everyone else is. In a frantic chase, the cops surround all of them. JJ is about to defend them with his gun, but John B is sensible and tells him to put it down. John B finally gets caught by the cops after the long chase to find him. One of them starts beating him up, taking his anger out on him due to the sadness he has felt at the loss of his colleague that John B was framed for killing. At the end, the cop punches him in the face, and the light goes out as the episode ends and we are left with a cliffhanger on where they all end up next.


The episode was excellent, suspenseful, and full of action. It definitely showcased a lot of the subplot’s internal problems like Kiara and Pope’s relationship and had us anticipate how they are going to figure it out. I really loved how they all reunited again and were just trying to have a great time together. Rafe finding out about them being back on the island and alive creates so much tension and fear for them because we all know Rafe is a bit psychotic. Also, I liked how they showed Topper, Sarah’s ex-boyfriend, overhearing Rafe at the country club finding out John B and Sarah were alive, which creates even more problems because we don’t know what he will do with this new information. In addition, the episode reveals that Sarah still cares about her father even through the horrible things he has done. A surprise twist was Ms. Limbrey’s character because she adds a sense of a mystery spin to the whole plot because Pope has no idea what she is talking about, how treasure she’s looking for apparently has run in his family for generations. Also, during their adventures with just the two of them, Sarah and John B get “married” with a promise bracelet.  


I believe the episode was a letdown when Sarah “had to” visit her father, and then it was extremely disappointing for viewers when Ward called the cops to follow her back to the others, and they got caught even after all the effort they went through to hide from the authorities, even though John B is innocent. But in conclusion, I believe this episode was a huge success. The happiest moment for viewers was when the group got back together, and it undoubtedly gave us the suspense and thriller they always deliver throughout every episode.

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Isabelle Coghill
Isabelle Coghill, Photography Manager

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