Sam & Cat is a teen sitcom that never has a dull moment. In the episode “#MadAboutShoe”, Cat (Ariana Grande) finds a mysterious shoe in a bush and needs Dice (Cameron Ocasio) and Sam (Jennette McCurdy) to help to find the other missing shoe. Sam and Cat are the main characters, while Dice is a frequent star. The central conflict in this episode is when Cat’s craziness results in her hunting down all the bushes and garbage cans in the neighborhood. Sadly, she has no luck until she finds a video online that helps solve the mystery. While watching this episode, it is guaranteed to be hooked and intrigued and leave you wanting to watch the whole series.
“#MadAboutShoe” is directed by Steve Hoefer, while Dan Schneider created the show. The episode starts when Cat and Sam walk to a grocery store. Cat finds a glittery pink shoe in the bush that she fixates on. She can’t find the other shoe and goes berserk. The rising action is when Cat returns to her house and maps out an entire brainstorming board about where the other show could be. Luckily, Dice and Cat find the missing girl with the other pair. They go to the hospital where she is and get the shoe back, with minor speed bumps. The climax is that the unconscious girl ends up waking up and calling the doctors into the room. Sam and Cat can’t lie for long without giving the whole story away. Cat makes an impulse decision and jumps out the window with the shoe and Sam follows her.
The episode is very entertaining because of its originality. You hear a story about a young adult going crazy after finding one shoe, which strangely hooks the audience. If you’re like me and TV shows can’t keep your attention for long, Sam & Cat is perfect for you. I also admire how each character has a unique personality. Sam is sarcastic and funny while Cat is sweet and caring, unlike Sam. Dice is extremely easygoing and willing to do anything. These characters balance each other perfectly and make for such a fantastic show.
It was undoubtedly creative and provided so many laughs. This episode is perfect for a family-friendly audience. The viewers can question, “Will they escape?” and “Will they make it out with the shoe.” The suspense is high as viewers’ tension continues to grow. When Cat and Sam jump out of the glass window and they both start running, it leaves everyone in shock at what they just did. The climax of this episode is when Sam and Cat sneak into the poor girl’s hospital room and they take the other shoe. What the reader doesn’t expect is that the girl wakes up and starts questioning the whole situation, which leaves you on the edge of your seat.
While all of this madness is unfolding, Sam comes home at the beginning of the episode to a bucket of meatballs. She inadvertently devoured all the meatballs not knowing what they were meant for later. Later, Cat walks through the door to an empty pot of meatballs. What the watcher doesn’t know is that those meatballs were for her Trobbing Moon party. This dilemma adds to the stress Cat has placed on herself due to her shoe. Sam subsequently felt moderately guilty about eating Cat’s meatballs she made herself. Getting caught in the shoe drama, they had no time to remake them and she never made them despite Sam Rudly eating them. Finally, when she finds the shoe, she gives in making a new batch of meatballs. Then, all the guests happily ate up the meatballs at the throbbing moon party watching the throbbing moon. The main plot and the subplot were both individually super intriguing.
I partially loved that Sam is such a “foodie”. She ate the entire bucket of meatballs and didn’t even care. Her iconic persona shines through the screen. She always creates a positive and fun mood. This episode reveals that Cat is very loose; she would let it go when she found the one shoe. She gets mad and even angry when no one helps her and ends up dragging Dice and Sam into her “problem”. The only letdown part was that the characters never correctly explained what a throbbing moon was, which led me to look it up instead of providing it for us. That was the only minor problem of the episode and wasn’t a big deal. To sum up, I recommend watching this episode, even the entire season because it creates an excellent nostalgic feel.