iCarly is a family-friendly and hilarious sitcom show. It follows the life of a sixteen-year-old girl named Carly. It takes place in Seattle in Carly’s house, school, and building. She and her friend Sam produce a live web show called iCarly with fun and quirky videos. Spencer, her brother, and her friend Freddie help to create the fun show we know and love. There are also multiple guest stars, including Jodi, the bride, and Grodon, the groom. I enjoyed the episode to an extent. However, they could improve on captivating the watcher and include more hooking points. Some aspects got boring; however, I loved the characters’ personalities.
Today, I watched the episode iDo written by Dan Schindler. The episode’s main plot consists of Jodi and Gardon going on a journey to get married. After proposing on the live web show, the whole iCarly crew travels to Wisconsin to watch Gordon and Jodi elope. As they get married, Jodi surprisingly says no because she falls in love with Spencer. The rising action was when Gordon Facetimeed Carly, asking to be on her show. He later proposed on the live web show and invited the iCarly crew to be part of the wedding party.
The plot of This episode was honestly mediocre. The writer could have incorporated more cliffhanger moments to hook the viewer more. It was overall very predictable; it seemed like a big cliche episode. For example, it was known when Jodi said he was in love with Spencer. I understand foreshadowing, but it didn’t add much to the storyline.
All of the character’s personas lifted the show. Each actor had a unique and creative personality, which made the show crack up and overall really funny. The essence of Joni and Gordon was hilarious. Combined with Sam’s strong characters and Carly’s “normal” personality, it was the perfect mix. Other characters, such as the groom’s brother, threaten Freddie. The groom picked Freddie over his own brother to be his best man. This ultimately makes the brother angry, constantly picking on and teasing Freddie. The groom’s mother also hates Spencer for “stealing” Jodi from him. She even ends up kneeing Carly and Spencer. The story climaxes when Jodi says no to Gordon under the alter. She glanced at Spencer while Gordon said his vows and the audience took a hint. Then, when the priest asked Jodi if she would take Gordon as her husband, she abruptly said no. The crowd was shocked, and the entire wedding party was stunned and ruined.
In the meantime, Gibby doesn’t go with them and stays in Seattle. While riding a bicycle with Guppy, he sees a $5 greenback trapped in a tree and attempts to get it out. He calls upon an old woman lady named Hazel walking by to lift him to get the bill. Ultimately, they get it out. However, he inadvertently falls on her after doing so. Gibby runs off without helping her. Hazel, (kind of) alive, inquires whether they’ll still get espresso or not. One character that stood out in my mind throughout the episode was Sam. I love how she’s quiet yet hilarious she is. For example, at the beginning of the episode, it opens with her eating a giant meatball. She continued playing golf with the same meatball, a true crack-up. Gibby was also a subtle star with his brother. It was so funny when Hazel was on his back.
Overall, this episode was mediocre. I loved the characters, but it needed to be more specific regarding its plot. Each character had their own fantastic persona, which helped shape the episode. I also loved the conflict that was taking place. This episode reveals Carly’s leadership behavior. She kept the group intact when everything seemed to be falling apart. She is excellent at taking initiative and making things happen. Sam’s love for food also became apparent for obvious reasons, from the funny intro of her eating a meatball to the end, where she devours a platter of fish sticks. In this review, it clearly shows that this episode could have taken more initiative to create a better atmosphere.