Class of 2020: Goals

June 6, 2020
Zoe Payne-Carter: Be rich.
Claire Wittkop: I want to start a successful nonprofit to help LGBT+ youth.
Tanner Burton: I would like to learn how to play guitar at some point in my life.
Isabella Peterson: Travel a lot.
Tessa Blanchard: Keeping all of my highschool friends.
Hailey Cortez: One of the goals I want to achieve is to help children who struggled at home by inspiring them through a passion like education.
Geste Bianchi: To go to the Olympics for volleyball.
Andrew Reavis: Play professional volleyball in Europe.
Ethan Ghere: I want to retire in Laguna Beach.
Soren Patchell: Earn my Bachelors in Fine Arts, graduate on the Dean’s List, travel to learn about different cultures, and eventually have a family of my own.
Kaitlin Ryan: Become a doctor.
Izzy Meekma: Being successful and accomplished in my career and life.
Aiden Blanton: Open a sneaker store in LA.
Sahil Das: Work on Wall Street.
Kendra Nugent: Have my own dog.
Kennedy Roller: I would like to see my own designs in a fashion show one day.
Luka Salib: I want my full name to be the first thing that comes up when you type in “luka” into google.
Charles Besso: I want to have a farm and a house which runs on entirely sustainable energy whether through solar panels or another resource. I want to buy my mum a garden. I also want to have children and maybe get married. If I’m rich, I’ll buy Rosé Gibson a boat, and new skis for Mr. Brobeck.
Conley Good: To play my music in a stadium venue.
Gabrielle Pontius: One goal I would like to achieve is to be successful and happy in whatever I plan to do in life!
Anthony Ramirez: To create a successful business and change the fashion industry.
Carter Jones: To be a good human.
Logan Leeds: To publish my book.
Kyle Herkins: Help other people.
Staci Ensminger: I want to work with people with disabilities and create more lifelong friendships within the community.
Isadora Duskin-Feinberg: Become fluent in Mandarin Chinese.
Nathan Solomon: I’m not sure of the profession that I want later on in life, but I just want to impact a lot of people in a beneficial way, knowing that I had an impact on many people.
Laila Cruz: Travel the world.
Jai-Lin Garrett: Becoming a successful dermatologist.
Ande Diggins: Find a good career path and travel to new places.
Russel Farhang: Start multiple million dollar companies.
Kendall Fraser: My biggest goal is to attend medical school and pursue a career in veterinary medicine.
Jessica Berk: I want to get my masters in occupational therapy.
Lily Owen: To be able to support my mom and dad just like they supported me, both financially and emotionally.
Danielle Gagne: I want to one day move in with the person I love.
Zoe Waters: I hope to clean my room at some point.
Elleni Solomon: In the future, I hope to become a healthcare professional that provides services for underserved communities of people.
Grace Houlahan: I would like to stay connected to as many friends from high school as possible.
Riley Russo: Marry a Hemsworth brother.
Constantin Nasiell: Start my own company and eventually become successful.
James Loughlin: Graduate college.
Piper Naess: I would like to play professional beach volleyball.
Sophia Vandertoll: Travel the world.
Bryanna Rodriguez: In my lifetime one of my goals is to have a family of my own!
Moorea Pike: My goal is to inspire people and bring light into dark places of people’s lives.
Fernando Alonso: Sponsored by seven sixties.
Adam Joyce: Traveling the world as much as possible!
Luke Yates: Travel to every continent, excluding the Arctic and Antarctic.
Drew Fink: One goal is to intern at the White House during my undergraduate degree.
Beck Kesler: Get a masters degree.
Cambria Hall: Love in marriage and family harmony.
Sammer Tarazi: I would like to be able to travel the world as much as possible and be able to live in a place where I can go to the beach during free time.
Jayd Sprague: To become a doctor.
Camila Reese: Learn the song from the end of the movie School of Rock.
McKayla Brooks: I want to be a concept artist for a video game company.
Aiden Svenson: Dunking on Lebron.
Connor Fink: Live a life of success, happiness, and build a legacy.
Brady Soloff: Own a Malibu beach house.
Alex Coulious: Own my own business.
Sophia Seidensticker: Become a mother.
Jade Petrovitch: I want to create something that makes someone else feel alive.
Jackson Yelland: Start a business.
Lucas Kravitz: Play college basketball.
Chloe Hale: Travel.
Sara Jacobs: Helping other people.
Kenneth Chu: Make a contribution to the scientific community.
Michael Torbenson: Travel to many places around the world with my kids and with my future love.
Sierra Read: Become a part time professional snake breeder.
Kareem Elmewafy: Becoming successful and buying a house.
Annamarie McIntosh: Become an imagineer at Disney.
Jack Crawford: Have a family of my own.
Catherine Keyser: I want to finally learn how to speak French fluently.
Alex Lemus: Become a flight attendant and travel around the world.
Luca Elghanayan: Become a scientist.
Avalon Brice: I would like to be a part of the many monumental changes that are made within our society to make it better for the future.
Brooke Beresford: Improve my artistic skills and learn to think more creatively.
Kenya Ripley-Dunlap: Help fight climate change.
Benjamin Feinberg: I hope to have a job I love so that I will never have to work a day in my life.
John Ford: Live in a high rise flat in New York.
Sahba Azarli: Travel to every continent.
Jackson Jenkins: I would like to be able to be financially independent from my parents.
Joseph Schenk: Take multiple trips around the world with friends.
Wes Abrahams: Run for President.
David Spitz: Have a job I enjoy doing.
Gabrielle Denny: Becoming a successful woman and mother!
Mohamad Berri: Create a drivers ed school to improve LBHS drivers.
Aidan Kidd: Be a successful student athlete at the college level and build off of that.
Hallie Carballo: Become an anesthesiologist .
Omid Samanifard: I would like to achieve a high position in whatever place I work. I don’t want to have to listen to anyone.
Gabriella Pachl: Be able to own a house in Orange County.
Trent Ralston: Run a company from the bottom up while getting rich.
Grace Peterson: I would love to adopt a child (or 2) and own a husky in my lifetime.
Jillian Goson: Get my master’s degree.
Schuyler Cozzens: Something that I’d like to achieve in my lifetime would be to pick up as many skills as I can, share those skills with as many people as I can, and to have said people give me a Vikings funeral on Lake Michigan. In that particular order.
Vanessa Gee: Be the editor of a hit movie.
Piero Wemyss: Be successful.
Augie Renezeder: To be successful.
Dylan Davis: I want to be successful both in work and life and just want to live it to its fullest potential.
Holden Geary: Win a Grammy, go platinum.
Sam Suh: Become a millionaire.
Toby Bumgardner: I want to have a stable career in the future.
Angelina Dyrnaes: Becoming a creative director (preferably in New York or Italy).
Nick O’Donnell: Make an impact on others.
Julia Henry: I would like to make a positive impact on someone’s life through my work.