Student Spotlight: Bruce Knill
June 20, 2017
Next fall, senior Bruce Knill will be attending West Point Academy, a decision that is a huge commitment to one’s country.
“I had a good friend going the same route and the concept of West Point has been very fond in my mind since I was a little kid,” said Knill.
West Point is one of the most difficult institutions in the country to get into with an acceptance rate just under 10%. In order to earn entrance to the school, Knill had to spend countless hours making himself the best possible candidate.
“I pretty much had to beef up my resume in every aspect: school, sports, and extracurriculars. I spent a lot of summers away doing internships and programs that were both interesting to me and the West Point admissions staff,” said Knill.
Bruce has had tremendous support from his friends, family, teachers, coaches and community members who have helped him throughout this process.
“I am so proud of Bruce for all he has accomplished. He has worked so hard to get to this point, and I am so happy for him,” said senior Ryan Blaser.
Bruce is a very well rounded applicant. Along with being a great student, he excelled in athletics at LBHS and is a leader in the community.
“Bruce is going to do great at West Point. From a football standpoint, he was one of the leaders and he was an outstanding teammate. I am very proud of all he has accomplished and I know he is going to accomplish great things in the Army and after,” said head varsity football coach John Shanahan.
West Point is known for its rigorous academics as well as leadership opportunities that will prepare those attending for life in the US Army. The four-year academy will train all cadets both mentally and physically for a career in the armed forces and after.
“I think the most exciting part for me is the education. At West Point, cadets have access to the best resources our nation has to offer, and it is meant to be used by students there. Not to mention I have the opportunity to study just about anything I desire,” said Knill.
West Point graduates are some of the most highly functioning members of society. After their service in the military is over, West Point graduates lead in many competitive fields.
“I will likely venture into the international business sector and possibly politics. Following West Point, I plan on seeking higher education, perhaps an MBA. A degree from West Point is definitely looked highly upon, as a graduate from the Academy is known to be of a certain high standard. That’s what I love most about West Point: It tests and challenges an individual in such a way that leaves him or her an outstanding citizen for years to come,” said Knill.