Morgan Falkowski

Laguna’s Varsity runner Sebastian comes in first for Laguna, and second in the race, while the the team was away in Oregon.

Varsity Track and Cross Country Athlete: Sebastian Fisher

Sebastian Fisher: Junior

Sport(s): Cross Country and Track and Field

Fisher was Laguna’s number two runner during the track season.

Q1: When did you start running?

  • Freshman year

Q2: What do you love about your sport?

  • I like competing and improving my times.

Q3: What has been the most rewarding aspect of this past season?

  • The most rewarding part of this last season was improving my time a lot and seeing our team as a whole get a lot better.

Q4: What is your PR? What are some goal PR’s you have for the future?

  • My PR is 4:24 for the 1600m
  • My goal for next year is sub 4:20.

Q5: Do you plan to run in college?

  • Yes I plan to run in college probably.

Q6: Who motivates you to do well? Why?

  • My teammates and my coach
  • My teammates and I are always pushing each other and our coach works really hard to prepare us to do well.

Q7: What is one thing that running has taught you about yourself?

  • It has taught me that hard work can allow me to do a lot more than I thought I was capable of.


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