2019 Artist Spotlight

Mj – Artist Spotlight
Became serious about art in 6th grade and started to consider it as a career in 8th grade. Their art can sometimes take up to ten hours depending on the piece they're working on. Mj draws people the most using either her original characters or other figures such as characters from the books and youtubers. “My influences are paintings and sculptures from the renaissance era and also many m...

Kaylie Cirignani
The portrait was inspired by fibromyalgia and other chronic conditions. Even though you’re only being physically hurt in one location, the nervous system reacts with unexpected pains all across the body. I wanted to portray the frustration and confusion that comes along with the constant, unexplainable pain, ranging from pins and needles to bruises and bleeding. I used graphite pencil and waterc...

Lauren Fetzer
This past year I've been working on a children's book with a family friend, chronicling the adventures of a little pirate cat. I've loved this project because of the sentiment behind it and the creative freedom I've had. Not to mention, it has been a great way to improve my digital drawing skills and broaden my portfolio. Piece from my AP concentration. I wanted to explore the theme of addiction and how ...

Emma Russell
I strive to push the boundaries of art, creating unconventional portraiture and experimenting with mixed media. Many of my works utilize a specific color palettes, line work, and symbols to emulate the objectification of females in modern society. I experiment with varying mediums, including colored pencil, acrylic, pastel, and watercolor. I strive to construct a surrealistic depiction of my perspective on ...

Soren Patchell
I was inspired to paint the underwater painting because I find solace in the ocean. Being fully submerged in saltwater and feeling the energy of the waves passing overhead is the best feeling. The concept that you can be happy and hopeful in any circumstance also inspired me. I titled this painting, "light reaches the depths" to convey that there will be tender mercies in your life, no matter what yo...

Abby Bekken
Artist Statement: My artwork focuses on the exploration of negative space. With my pieces, I concentrate on the balance between the positive spaces and the areas your eyes are drawn to that are absent, that equally demand your attention. The empty spaces bring a rhythm that creates an imaginary form that fills the void. Some of my pieces are able to move. This allows the viewer to constr...

Camille DeMilly Otteson
Artist Statement: My body of work is titled Collapsing Environments: Animals Facing Extinction. As I thought of habitats that would be ruined due to climate change, I thought of the species around the world declining in large numbers and facing mass extinction. Our environment is collapsing but billions of species have to suffer the same loss for something they can’t control. Endangered animals represent...

Shanai Mae Auguis
Artist statement: When I was little, I was never afraid of scary things and the dark. I was more fascinated than scared. My work is an argument that dark is not related to evil; that there is nothing to fret in the darkness if you make it your own. After all, there is no light without the darkness to define it. I focused on the facial expressions of my pieces to amplify their emotions through symmetrical...

Sofia Pfanner
Where does your inspiration come from? I draw inspiration from many random moments throughout my day-to-day life. Whether it be something I hear or something I see, a scene develops in my head that I try to portray in my art. Someone’s persona can easily affect the mood and the characters behind each story. What is your favorite medium to use and why? Although I favor usin...

LBHS art festival

Jordan Trautwein
Where does your inspiration come from? My inspiration comes from, nature and the people around me. What is your favorite medium to use and why? My favorite mediums to use include Colored pencil and photography....

Lauren Fetzer
Where does your inspiration come from? Depends on the art. Doodles spring up from boredom. Cartoons for the paper come from trying to make humorous, but also critical comments about topics.For personal projects, my inspiration usually comes from research. If I find something that interests me, I look up articles or watch videos to get a better understanding of it. Doing so is a great...

Saylor Petzoldt
Where does your inspiration come from? Growing up in Florida I was exposed to a lot of wild animals, and seeing them as a child holds a lot of weight toward my view of them and their vulnerability. Though my art I hope to diminish the gap between humans and animals, and encourage people to have more compassion toward them. 2.What is your favorite medium to use and why? I really en...

Shea Skenderian
Where does your inspiration come from? I don’t really have an inspiration for my art. I paint for myself. Art is my creative outlet. It keeps my mind at peace. I create what makes me happy. What is your favorite medium to use and why? My favorite medium is oil paint. I have always liked painting, and I prefer oil over acrylic. Oil is much richer and thicker than acrylic; it also takes...

Taylor Glenn
Where does your inspiration come from? My inspiration comes from everywhere, honestly. I've recently inspired a lot by love and the relationships between people. I've also always drawn inspiration from the concept of femininity and how that varies so much from person to person. What is your favorite medium to use and why? I don't have a favorite medium because I use so many differe...

Zander Raymond
1. Where does your inspiration come from? I take inspiration from empty spaces and shapes made by architecture, plants, and trash. 2. What is your favorite medium to use and why? My favorite medium is pen, ink, and charcoal. 3. What are your goals to grow as an artist or other future related aspirations? My goal for the next couple years is to attend art school and become a ...
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